The Importance of an Open Mind in Learning to Sew
Sewing is a learned skill. I tell my young students this fact repeatedly as I guide them through my curriculum of projects that will give them the basics of sewing and the needlearts. As one learns to sew they must have the courage to tackle new techniques knowing that the first try might not be their best but knowing that is ok! Everyone, both kids and adults, must start at the beginning of their sewing journey. Everything they do while on that journey will be a first for them as they gain patience and determination to become better sewers. As they advance in their sewing adventure, they will get better! To quote President Obama “Yes we can!” And “Yes we will!”
Case in point: Bobbi’s Zipper Phobia
In the adult sewing world, most of the time inserting a zipper brings terror in the hearts of many! I was one of those people. In fact, even throughout my college years I always inserted a handpicked zipper to avoid having to use the machine! It wasn’t to get extra points from my sewing professors for going that extra mile and inserting a perfect (yes, after a while it was a perfect hand-picked zipper) hand-picked zipper. No, it was because to put in a machine zipper made me crazy. Being a perfectionist, I didn’t want to fail and have it look yucky! I didn’t realize why I became so confident in inserting a hand-picked zipper because I had done so many of them! I practiced that skill and it paid off! The machine zippers in my mind were forbidden territory because in my mind I made it forbidden. I was my own worst enemy. I psyched myself into believing that I could not do it. And for many years I did not!!
Later in my sewing career I would master zippers and wonder why I had looked on it as such a hard technique to master. And now as a teacher, I want my young students to be able to be fearless when they must insert a zipper! (or any other technique for that matter!)
This spring my projects for the kids include sewing different types of closures among them the infamous zipper! We will insert a simple zipper and build from there. We will make sure that we understand what we need to do and take it step by step. And before we begin I will quote them some words from my dear mentor and friend Martha Pullen who told us to keep assuring our students:
“There is nothing that you can do in sewing that I cannot fix if something goes wrong. And if I can’t fix it I have extra materials and notions so that we can start over and try it again!” It’s totally always a win-win situation. Do not be afraid to try, just do it and enjoy the experience.
My young students will be inserting lots of zippers and other closures into their projects this spring. I’m sure we will be successful because I will show them a positive attitude and be their biggest cheerleader! Their smiles at their accomplishments will be uplifting for me as we finish each new technique. Their success will be my success and continue to make me a better teacher. Learning to sew and loving it!
Until next time, Miss Bobbi

Until next time, Miss Bobbi