Sewing Birthday Parties are SEW Much Fun!
My sewing students love to talk and laugh while we’re sewing during classes. One topic that they are always talking about are birthday parties! Now when I was their age, a birthday party was 8 -10 little girls (and sometimes boys) getting together and playing pin the tail on the donkey and eating ice cream and cake. And while those kind of parties still exist, they don’t seem to be the norm any more.
Now the girls have themed parties and go to hair salons to have their hair done or to a Sky Zone to jump on trampolines! The possibilities are endless and really the sky is the limit. And, because of this trend in birthday parties, I have been asked more and more if I would like to be the entertainment for a “sewing birthday party”.

For my sewing parties I come with all the equipment, sewing machines (if we are not hand sewing), and sewing kits that we need for each individual party. I start with a short sewing lesson and then we sew a project that I have all ready for them to sew. Everybody takes home a finished project. After my lesson they go into eat and open up presents. I clean up and say my goodbyes. My gift to the birthday girl or boy is a gift certificate for a private lesson in my home studio.
So, the next time you’re planning a birthday party for your child, think about having a sewing birthday. Your child will love it and so will you!
Until next time,
Ms Bobbi