Cool Holiday Ideas from Fascination in Fabrics – Little Wallets
Now that Thanksgiving has come and gone, it’s time for my young students to spend the next few weeks leading up to Christmas and Hanukkah making gifts for family and friends. I decided to share a few of these on my blog.
The Fleece Pouch is a project that I use in all my beginning classes. It is simple enough for my kindergarten crowd and all the kids get to practice a straight stitch, running stitch, and sewing on a button. As an extra I add on an applique’ when time permits. The kids love this little cutie!
The pouch was inspired by the Sewing Card from Valori Wells called “Little Wallets”. The pattern was a little too hard for my younger kids so I traced the shape of the pouch and then folded the bottom of the pouch back up on itself about 3 and ¾” and continued to trace the pouch. I now had a simple pattern to cut out for the kids. While most of the pouches have been from fleece I thought that for Christmas these would be perfect fashioned from Christmas colored felt. I also gathered some embellishments for my pouch like sequins, Christmas buttons, floss, and ribbon. The first step was cutting out my pouch. Next I decided on an applique for my flap. I pinned the holly in place, stitched around the leaves, and then added beads for holly berries and a ribbon. (You could add any embellishments of your choice). Next I added my button about 2” down from the top and centered in the middle of the pouch. After sewing on the button I folded up bottom of the pouch about 3 and ¾” and pinned it in place. Using an overcast stitch I sewed each side of the pouch. I added a running stitch to the edges of the flap and finally slit the fabric where the button will go through to close the pouch. Now I could add a gift card or gift, button the flap, and one gift is finished and ready for giving! Look for the sewing card “Little Wallets” by Valori Wells in my marketplace in the Sew Kool for Kids Shop! Happy Holidays…

The pouch was inspired by the Sewing Card from Valori Wells called “Little Wallets”. The pattern was a little too hard for my younger kids so I traced the shape of the pouch and then folded the bottom of the pouch back up on itself about 3 and ¾” and continued to trace the pouch. I now had a simple pattern to cut out for the kids. While most of the pouches have been from fleece I thought that for Christmas these would be perfect fashioned from Christmas colored felt. I also gathered some embellishments for my pouch like sequins, Christmas buttons, floss, and ribbon. The first step was cutting out my pouch. Next I decided on an applique for my flap. I pinned the holly in place, stitched around the leaves, and then added beads for holly berries and a ribbon. (You could add any embellishments of your choice). Next I added my button about 2” down from the top and centered in the middle of the pouch. After sewing on the button I folded up bottom of the pouch about 3 and ¾” and pinned it in place. Using an overcast stitch I sewed each side of the pouch. I added a running stitch to the edges of the flap and finally slit the fabric where the button will go through to close the pouch. Now I could add a gift card or gift, button the flap, and one gift is finished and ready for giving! Look for the sewing card “Little Wallets” by Valori Wells in my marketplace in the Sew Kool for Kids Shop! Happy Holidays…